El Caribe Gris?

This post is long over-due, but I can explain. I am sure that I was not the only one who had a hard time breaking down the article, even though it'd been translated to English. Now that I have had many... many weeks to read over other perspectives and develop my own. I agree with the author 100%. From what I gathered.. Good ole 'Christopher Columbus' made his appearance in this article for being one of the MANY travelers to create their own geographical depiction of a country and/or the world. A mockery to most countries and shaped prejudice ideas that others have towards certain people. It especially was a mockery to most Caribbean culture. 

I understand now that the main idea is that history is written by those that were more "successful", and the history can be bias and prejudiced which can affect how we see certain events, behaviors, or ideas. Just like now in these modern times. It is sad to say that even now, because of this very problem people do not understand their culture and even worse, now where they come from. 


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